Team SmallBoy

My blog to keep my family and friends updated on what I am doing. MommyGuilt is my mom and I am an Aspie. I hope that everyone who reads my blog will become part of Team SmallBoy and will learn more to help other kids.

Thursday, November 17, 2005

Substitute Teacher! LOOK OUT!!!

I was prayer leader today at school and the boys won Sparkle this morning. Sparkle is a game where someone tells you a name, you have to say the first letter and then the next person says the next letter, but if you screw up a letter, you sit down or if the person on your right says "Sparkle," at the end of the word, you sit down. Always Jack T., always gets his knees on the floor when the person on the right of him says "Sparkle". He sometimes gets a yellow card or a red card for that.

In computer class we finished our animal reports and I did a frog (any kind of frog). At lunchtime Gabriel V (or Gabe V.) and Giancarlo D, and I were playing Star Wars. Gabe & I were imaginary Jedis and Giancarlo was one of the evil guys from Star Wars.

My substitute teacher was Mrs. Lyons. And she was a great teacher.


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